One runner's attempt to keep running while taking a soccer team to the 2010 AYSO National Games in Florida.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Meet the Team

Please remeber that we are using the players nick names at the request of their parents.

The Wall

One of the great stories from this team is how the Wall got her nickname.  In the beginning, the Wall played midfield.  I started her in that position because despite being a big kid, she can run.  She also started the year with good ball control skills.  When we started scrimmaging other teams, it became evident to me that we needed to make a change at full back (defense).  I decided to try the Wall at the position, in our second to last scrimmage.  She did a phenomenal job.  No one from the opposing team could get around her.  The team we played was an all boys team.  The wall kept knocking down opposing players and gigling when she did it.  At the end of the game, I was talking to the opposing coach.  When he commented on how well she played, he said, "She is a %$^#*^@! wall, no one gets around her."   The Wall had her new nickname.
The Wall is one of those kids who is always smiling.  She smiles so much, her first nickname was Smiley.  She always shows up to practice with a smile on her face and full of enthusiasm.  The Wall is not only fun to be around, she is a very good player.  If you ask any of the players on the team who the toughest player is, they will all tell you its the Wall.  There are players on this team who will not back down, but when the Wall is playing at her best she is the one who initiates the physical contact.  She also possesses a great sense of where to be on defense in just about any situtation.  She is aggressive to the ball.  Her size and speed combine to make her a very formidable defender.

As I described in a previous post, we will be alternating players from full back to midfield throughout the upcoming games.  In preparation for this, the Wall played some midfield during our last indoor session.  While it is taking time for her to learn how to play that position, I have been very impressed with her ball control skills.  We took the second indoor session off from league play.  We spent eight weeks honing our ball controll skills.  The Wall is one of the players that most benefitted from this training.  The Wall is one of those glue players.  Some people call them role players.  She may not score alot of goals or draw alot of attention, but she does the small things right.  She does the things that have to be done for a team to succeed.  If we enjoy any kind of success in Florida, it will be due in no small part to her play on the field.

Thanks for logging on.  Check out our up coming fundraisers.

Go Crushers!

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