One runner's attempt to keep running while taking a soccer team to the 2010 AYSO National Games in Florida.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Meet the Team


I should begin by explaining that some of the parents were leery about putting the pictures and names of their children on the internet. (No Aunt TeeTee, it was not me.) So it was agreed, we would use the players nicknames on the blog. The kids have all picked up nicknames over the last seven months. They become quite indignant when I call them by their given names. So, nicknames it is.

Meet Dallas. As I mentioned in a previous post, Dallas is fast, like Hussein Bolt fast. She is the fastest player on the team. Come to think of it, she is the fastest player I've seen on any U10 team. Not only is she fast, she is one tough player. Once she realized it was okay to hit the boys while playing, she has become a force to be reckoned with. Yes, there is hitting in soccer, but that is a story for another post.

Dallas is a quite player, she never says much. Dallas' mother promises me, Dallas is alot more vocal at home. Dallas got her nickname because of her love of the Dallas Cowboys. This is a point of contention between she and I because I am a lifelong Washington Redskins fan. Having lived a large part of my life in Buffalo, New York, I am also Buffalo Bills fan. So you can imagine how much I hate the Cowboys. While she does not say much, it is surprising how often she "happens" to wear her Cowboys gear to practice. Like I said, tough kid.

Dallas is one of our mid fielders. We put that speed to good use. During indoor season she has improved her ball handling and started scoring goals. I have great hopes for her at the tournament in Florida.

I should also mention that Dallas' mom is a proud member of the Chingalinga Tamaleros (damn tamale makers). Our most recent fundraiser was making and selling tamales. During this was an event, we made over 6,000 tamales. All of the families worked very hard to raise money for kids. Look for the next post on fundraising and read all about the Great Tamale Sale of 2010.

So, become a follower and keep up with Dallas and the rest of the team.

Go Crushers!

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